Guastamacchia has been engineering, building and managing thermal and electric power plants that use renewable energy for over 40 years.
In the 1980s and 90s, Guastamacchia engineered and built the first two permanent alternative energy power plants: a geothermal one and a sea water one. They served the historic building of the Commerce Chamber in Bari and the Law Palace in Bari.
The company is currently very active in the field of photovoltaic and eolic power plants; it adopts a turn-key policy for both public and private clients.
Guastamacchia’s work’s constant elements are:
an all-round quality of its works, whether they be civil works, mechanical or electromechanical works
short, well-defined execution times
The awareness that every wasted day on the building site is a wasted day for your plants’ productivity; this makes Guastamacchia’s approach and execution very professional. Its eolic and photovoltaic parks are ready and working in the agreed time.
Guastamacchia currently has a 500 MW portfolio of eolic and photovoltaic energy production projects for the south of Italy which are about to be authorised.
Guastamacchia’s staff working on renewable energy projects has a strong knowledge of southern Italy’s territory; such knowledge developed over more than 40 years of working in the area. Hence, our staff has a deep understanding of the territory’s resources and of its cultural, environmental and social values.
Thanks to this knowledge, our staff can engineer the power plants in the best possible way as far as environmental sustainability.
Guastamacchia is one of the few companies in Puglia who took on the challenge of renewable energy production; it directly manages all the different phases of a power plant’s life:
the project development
the engineeringthe financingthe building and the commissioningthe selling of the produced energythe final closing down of the power plant and therestoring of the place’s previous conditions.